Building together

Building activities are of the top preferred play choices this year in room 22. We have such an amazingly talented group of young builders! Building together fosters teamwork and cooperation, as kids learn to work together and build upon one another's ideas. Students are also learning turn taking, focus and patience.


Last week Mrs. Donnery gifted our class road signs to contribute to our block area.
Students used their imagination to create a parking garage with a bridge using various signs they learned about. 

What a great understanding they have of spacial awareness and organization,
creating a structure that does not topple over!  

Working carefully to create their designed structure! 

While playing with Magnatiles, children learn how to manipulate various shaped objects,
building on their visual skills and motor planning. Notice the organization techniques used to design a structure this tall that doesn't topple down.
Building structures and friendships! 

What pride they have in the completion of their building!

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