Class Information

Room 22

Specials Schedule 
A - Art
B - Gym
C - Music
D - Library

Daily Schedule
morning check in
morning choice
morning meeting
Readers Workshop
outdoor play
Writers Workshop
read aloud
science/social studies
free choice
pack up 
closing circle

Classroom rules
Be Respectful
Be Responsible
Be Safe
Be Kind

Snack: We have snack time each morning around 10:30. Please send your child to school with one healthy, filling snack each day. 

Birthdays: For your child's birthday, he/she will receive a birthday crown to wear, and we will sing during our morning meeting. A special guest is also welcome to come in and read a story to the class to celebrate on your child's birthday. Please email me at least one day prior informing me of your child's read aloud book of choice. Any child that has a summer birthday will have a day to celebrate with the class at the end of the school year. 
*(School policy states that invitations to birthday parties are not to be distributed at school unless they are being delivered to ALL students in the class).     

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