Apples to Cider

On Tuesday, we had a special guest visit us from the Indian Rock Nature Preserve for the Apples to Cider program. We learned all about apples; how they grow, what they taste like and things you can make with them. We helped peel apples so that we could taste three different types. We tasted the McIntosh, Red Delicious, and Granny Smith.  

We then learned about how apple cider is made. We each got to pick out "windfall apples" (apples that have been blown to the ground by the wind) and grind the apples in a 100 year old machine! We worked really hard to crank the press to grind up our apples, and then watch as apple cider was created. We had a chance to taste some apple cider that was made and treated at the nature preserve. It was delicious!   

Building together

Building activities are of the top preferred play choices this year in room 22. We have such an amazingly talented group of young builders! Building together fosters teamwork and cooperation, as kids learn to work together and build upon one another's ideas. Students are also learning turn taking, focus and patience.


Last week Mrs. Donnery gifted our class road signs to contribute to our block area.
Students used their imagination to create a parking garage with a bridge using various signs they learned about. 

What a great understanding they have of spacial awareness and organization,
creating a structure that does not topple over!  

Working carefully to create their designed structure! 

While playing with Magnatiles, children learn how to manipulate various shaped objects,
building on their visual skills and motor planning. Notice the organization techniques used to design a structure this tall that doesn't topple down.
Building structures and friendships! 

What pride they have in the completion of their building!

Teamwork and Friendship in Outdoor Play

Swinging into Fall! 

Friends showing kindness at recess, giving a gentle push on the swing. 

Big Blue Block Building 

We had so much fun building with the big blue blocks. Everyone worked well together to come up
with a building plan and in creating a structure. We made our very own ship!  

Fall finds! 

Exploring nature by collecting leaves, dirt and twigs to make a campfire.

Mrs. Caruso and Mrs. Morrisroe's classes collected acorns at recess.

Exploring on the Nature Trail

Hiking to the top of the Nature Trail and finding a rock 
taller than we are, was the best part of our day!

Balancing fun!
Friends making soup on our treehouse porch. 

Counting and Sorting

Counting and Sorting in Math

In Math this week, we classified objects into groups and learned various ways to sort. Students had so much fun sorting in math, that they even sorted objects during play choice! Way to go!

Kindergarteners are learning an important skill, as we count the 5 group way. As we count, objects are lined up in a group of 5 and as we continue to count 6, 7, 8 and so forth, those objects are placed in a new row. This skill builds the foundation for efficient counting, number sense and composing and decomposing numbers.

Our first week in Kindergarten!

Our first week in Kindergarten! 

During Readers Workshop, we have already been demonstrating the use of key strategies in becoming successful readers! Students noticed and wondered about their books and the pictures as they read. Each morning, students choose a comfy, quiet spot in the room to independently read and enjoy their selected books for a few minutes. It has been a highlight of my days to sit and read with my students during this time! 

Math Centers 
During Math time this week, students have been exploring various math manipulatives such as pattern blocks, number puzzles and unifix cubes. It has been incredible to observe their minds at work as they discover ways "outside the box" of how they might use the manipulatives. As I sat with friends at one center, someone was using the unifix cubes to count and compare, another to sort, and another student was using them as a way to measure objects at his table! Wow, way to go! 

After just a few short days of kindergarten, our students have become great friends! I use the word great because I see such kindness, warmth and empathy in all of these young hearts. The children in my class have demonstrated daily, what it means to be a caring friend. At play choice and outdoor play, students are encouraged to play cooperatively and respectfully with their peers. Building is already an all time favorite in room 22! Students have also been very much enjoying art, using kinetic sand and even finding a cozy spot to read. 

Lego fun!

Swinging with friends

Building a house out of K'Nex

outdoor climbing
kinetic sand


Magnatiles is a play choice favorite! 

Welcome to Kindergarten!

See the source image

I am so excited to begin the school year with all of you! It was wonderful getting to meet all of my new students and their families at orientation today. Mrs. Sarno and I are so thrilled to commence what we know will be a great school year! 

As you prepare for the start of school, here are some friendly reminders to help ease your transition. 

First day of school: Thursday, August 29th

What to bring: 
child's backpack & lunch
*(if your child is buying a lunch, we will provide him/her 
with a lunch tag and assist them with the lunch buying process) 
1 healthy, filling snack for the morning 
a full change of clothes in a ziplock bag labeled with his/her name
green folder

parent/guardian contact form
blog permission slip
any remaining medical forms for the school nurse
All About Me page returned by 9/3

Please have your child wear his/her dismissal tag until it is no longer necessary.
Inform Mrs. Caruso and the office of any changes in dismissal.
Parent pick up time - 3:15
Dismissal - 3:20 

Parents, please do not hesitate to reach out by email if you have any further questions or concerns. Thank you so very much and I look forward to seeing all of you again at Open House!